Teaching Trust and Safety

Trust and Safety Teaching Consortium

View the Project on GitHub stanfordio/TeachingTrustSafety

The Trust & Safety Teaching Consortium

The Trust & Safety Teaching Consortium is a coalition of academic, industry and non-profit experts in online trust and safety problems. Our goal is to create content that can be used to teach a variety of audiences about trust and safety issues in a wide variety of formats.

We are sharing a 13-module reading list and associated slide decks, recorded lectures, and exercises. We launched the first version of these materials in early 2023, and updated them in late 2023 and early 2024. We encourage instructors to review the resources to ensure they are up to date at the time of use. Note: The slide decks frequently reference readings from the reading list.

The teaching content we created covers sensitive topics, and instructors should carefully review materials before assigning them. Instructors should consider what content warnings they want to apply and what content might not be appropriate for their audience. Many Consortium members tell students what sensitive topics will be covered and when, and they give students the option to skip sensitive classes (or walk out in the middle of class) and skip associated readings without penalty.

If you are interested in helping to create teaching content, email trustandsafetyjournal@stanford.edu to join the Consortium.

We encourage you to use this content for your class; please just email to let us know how you are using the resources so we can track our impact.

Reading List for Core Modules

Reading list

Slide Decks and Exercises for Core Modules

Teaching Materials Shared by Instructors

Teaching Consortium Members Teaching Online Safety in the 2024-2025 Academic Year

Teaching Consortium Members Who Taught Online Safety in the 2023-2024 Academic Year

Example Course Descriptions

External Teaching Resources